Lionhearted Legacy

We’re is a family of big-hearted folks who love to help. Our club is all about sharing smiles and lending hands as we tackle problems like hunger and help the young in our schools.

By supporting local community groups, as well as our seniors, we make our region shine. Together, weʼre making a difference, one roar at a time!


Join the pride, let’s serve and thrive!

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Our favourite club member

When you join our club you join an organisation of like-minded folks

Act on your kindness – effective projects require careful planning. So if you’re a successful organiser, we’re always on the lookout for you.


Be part of something big – Lions are a big family, a really enormous family. To explain, we are 1.4 million men and women in 48,000 clubs in virtually every country on earth. So by changing local communities club by club, together, we are contributing to a better world.

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Local Market Stalls

There’s nothing like being a Lion. We make a difference in our communities and in the lives of the people we serve. Even though Lions spend most of their time giving, we get so much in return. These are some of the great benefits of being a Lion: –

The fun and fellowship – Service isn’t just meaningful, it’s also fun. We build new friendships in our clubs and new connections in our communities. We laugh, we bond. Above all, we serve and do so with a smile and an open heart.

Opportunities to lead – Lions are leaders in their community, organising projects that meet real needs. You have the opportunity to become a club officer, puting your leadership skills to work for your club.

What are some other benefits of becoming a Lion?

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Community Fundraising BBQ

You get when you give – Did you know that helping others actually helps you? A recent article in Psychology Today states that, “Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.” As can be seen, volunteering improves our happiness, sense of well-being and decreases symptoms of depression. In other words, giving is a win-win!



That ah-ha moment – Every Lion joins a club, but every member has a story about the moment they truly became a Lion. That day when you helped someone who had nowhere else to turn. The tears of joy and heartfelt thanks. A person’s hope that you restored through your kindness. – That’s why we’re Lions.

Fran's handy work, Ian's Cooking skills - and a bit of fun....

Our senior club member, Fran, put together a framework of badges that she has donated to the club.


Not to be outdone, club member Ian was asked to “cook up a storm”. He said he “couldn’t cook”, so was provided with a saucepan….

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A Halo for Sandra

We are very proud of our Club Secretary, Sandra Hawkins.

Sandra was awarded the Clem Kentish Community Service Award by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale on Australia Day 2024.


The award was in recognition of Sandra’s services to the SJ community over many years.


Congratulations Sandra. Very well deserved.

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Like to know more about our club?

These are just some of the great benefits of being a Lion.

If you are thinking about doing something in your community to help others and have some fun at the same time, we’d love to hear from you.


Share the joy of being a Lion by inviting a friend or family member to join you too.

Or see us on Facebook……

Some more of our activities …..

Muddy Buddys

Lions is proud to support the Muddy Buddy event in Jarrahdale this year. A great day was had by all, especially the kids enjoying a splash around in the mud – and they were even allowed to do it!!

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Cancer Screening Bus
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Hearing Screening Bus
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Lions Market Stall
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Outdoor Cinema - Charlie Chaplin Film Night

Jarrahdale Log Chop and Lions Country Fair

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Click on this photo for more info
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Some of our volunteer Lions helping out at the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale's Australia Day celebrations at the Byford Recreation Centre
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Lions is proud to support the Engage Program at Byford Secondary College
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The Lions Team supporting "Engage" L-R Tony Widgington, Sandra Hawkins, John Palmer, Shaylee and Bev Reid, Sheila Fensom, and Lauren Warschauer (Byford Secondary College Teacher who initiated the Engage program).
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The final day of the program: L-R: Sheila Fensom (Club President); Bev Reid (Club Member); Sandra Hawkins (Club Secretary); John Palmer (Club Treasurer); Hugh Jones MLA (Member for Darling Range and Club Member); Tony Widgington (Club Member & Chief Chef).
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Fundraising through "Cash for Cans"
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Celebrating a birthday with our most senior club member
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Supporting the Fathering Project's "Walk around the Lake". Click photo for more info

Celebrating Christmas - Lions style

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Celebrating Christmas
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Interested in finding out more about becoming a Lion?

If you live outside the SJ region and are interested in joining a club in your area, please   CLICK HERE