Jarrahdale Log-Chop and Lions Country Fair 2024


  1. All space must be pre-booked and pre-paid. Exhibitors/Vendors without a valid booking will be denied entry.
  2. All booking applications and payments must be received by 31st August 2024.
  3. Should your booking not be accepted, a full refund will be made promptly.
  4. Site measurements are clearly stated on the application form. All Exhibitors/Vendors must ensure they have booked sufficient space to accommodate all trailers and equipment. Exceeding the allotted space booked will not be permitted.
  5. If you require sufficient space to accommodate an essential vehicle behind your main display (e.g. a power generator or similar) this will count as an additional 4x4m space.
  6. All Exhibitors/Vendors must be set up and ready to serve the public by 10.00am and remain set-up until 4.00pm. If you wish to set up the day before, there will be security personnel onsite overnight.
  7. Free parking for Exhibitors/Vendors’ private vehicles will be available outside the oval, as directed on the day. Parking of vehicles, (other than those used as part of an Exhibitors/Vendors’ display) is not permitted on the oval.
  8. Vehicles towing trailers must be decoupled from the trailer and moved to a parking space outside the oval, as directed by Lions Club personnel, prior to 10.00am.
  9. This event is strictly drug and alcohol free, except for alcohol purchased from the licenced bar and consumed within the licenced area.
  10. All Exhibitors/Vendors must hold valid public liability insurance, which must be uploaded with your application.
  11. All electrical equipment and leads must have current test and tag status.
  12. Untagged equipment will not be accepted for use at this event. Please pre-check all equipment.
  13. If you are cooking with gas, you must have a tagged and tested fire extinguisher.
  14. All electrical and gas equipment must be tagged and tested as per the Australian standard and schedule.
  15. If you are bringing any hazardous substance to the event site (e.g.. diesel, gas, helium, etc.) you must have the appropriate Safety Data Sheet for this chemical and you/your staff must be trained in the appropriate transport, handling and storage of this substance.
  16. There is to be NO refuelling of generators on site.
  17. Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale inc shall not be responsible for any damage, loss of revenue, theft or personal injury howsoever caused. Exhibitors/Vendors agree to indemnify Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale inc against any such claim.
  18. In the event of cancellation by the organisers, Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale inc shall not be liable for any loss of revenue by Exhibitors or Vendors, other than a refund of any booking fees paid to Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale inc.
  19. Cancellation

    (a) Cancellations prior to the 15th August will receive a full refund.

     (b) Cancellation received after the 15th August and before the 30th August will receive a refund of minus $100 for services rendered.

     (c) Refunds on cancellations after the 30th August are not guaranteed.

  20. You acknowledge that by participating in this event, you and/or your product, stall, staff or subcontractors may be photographed for use by Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale Inc promotional purposes.


In the event of an emergency evacuation, the order to evacuate will be issued by the Event Organiser/Chief Warden or Emergency Services: –

a) An announcement to evacuate will be heard over the Public Address System or by the sound of a Siren.

b) Should sound communication fail, you will be advised to evacuate by the event staff, identifiable by their blue vests.

c) Upon hearing the sound or advice to evacuate, please follow directions from the Event Staff and proceed to the nearest Emergency Exit, towards the Muster area.

d) The Muster Area is located to the west direction. Please follow directions from the Event Staff.

e) No vehicles will be allowed to move onto or from the oval without direct permission from the Event Organiser/ Chief Warden.

f)  Re- entry to the area will only be permitted if or when the Event Organiser /Chief Warden authorises the safe return.


These are mandatory for all Food Vendors to meet the requirements of our food safety standards management


  1. All food and drink vendors are required to provide a list of all products and/or menus and the prices at which they are being sold.
  2. In fairness to other vendors, you will only be permitted to sell items included in your application.
  3. Vendors must meet Local Government Health Regulations and must be able to produce on demand a Certificate of Currency for their Public Liability insurance.
  4. Commercial food vendors are focused in two areas
  5. Food Vendors must trade from a covered trailer or similar for safety reasons
  6. Opportunity exists for some food vendors to be strategically located elsewhere on the grounds.
  7. Lions Club of Serpentine Jarrahdale gives preference to food vendors with healthy food options (low fat, low sugar, unprocessed).
  8. Food registration / Food safety Cerificate / Insurance certificate of currency must all be uploaded with your application.